WINTER 2018 BIOMAX INFORMATICS Making complexity manageable NEWS BRAIN SCIENCE AS NEVER BEFORE Following a successful early-adaptor program, Biomax is set to launch the NeuroXM™ Brain Science Suite in mid-December. This award-winning product lets brain scientists work interactively with high-dimensional multimodal brain data. Biomax will give live demos of its latest product at BrainModes in Havana, Cuba from 2-4 December 2018. Join us there to celebrate this new era in brain science.
PRODUCTS HARNESSING THE POWER OF BIG DATA AND AI Two of our most innovative products will be highlighted at the world’s leading congress for Big Data and AI in the life Sciences, BioData World, this week in Basel, Switzerland. Stop by the Biomax booth to learn more about the soon-to-be-released, NeuroXM Brain Science Suite, catch up on the latest developments in Biomax’s AI-augmented Semantic Search core technology, and meet two of our most charming colleagues. Meeting slots are still available, sign up here to join us on 28-29 November 2018. EDUCATION JOIN US AT THE BIOMAX ETRI COGNITIVE BRAIN SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM Biomax Informatics is excited to host the first Biomax-ETRI Symposium on Cognitive Brain Informatics together with the department of Cognitive Informatics from the leading Korean research center, ETRI, on 10-11 December 2018 in Planegg, Germany. As a Biomax follower, you are welcome to join this invitation-only event. Limited spaces are still available. Contact symposium chair, Markus Butz-Ostendorf, to attend. CONNECTION FOLLOW THE FROG! With so much going on, how can you keep up with the latest at Biomax? It’s easy!
UPCOMING EVENTS — OPPORTUNITIES TO MEET BIOMAX 29 November 2018 Rudolf Virchow Center, University of Würzburg Würzburg, Germany CONTACT BIOMAX TODAY +49 89 895574-0 (Germany) Biomax and NeuroXM are trademarks of Biomax Informatics AG in Germany and other countries. Biomax Informatics AG |